Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

This could be us

Jan 18, 2024

This is me telling you all my plans for us
It's crazy but hear me out
I catch myself gushing over cute couples
Whispering under my breath, this could be us

This could be us, I tell myself
As I make a Pinterest board of trips
I wanna take with you, as thoughts of
sights flood my mind

This could be us, I tell my friends
As I window shop matching outfits
One for you, another for me
Not forgetting our future pets

This could be us, I say to my reflection
As I smile at my flat tummy
A baby that ties us together
We could make the perfect one

This could be us, I say to my sister
As I steal her tops
I will look good in yours, but better in your arms
As you hold me in for a kiss




With words as true as hearts, I'll feed your mind on topics that help you navigate adulthood and life with a little story and poetry.