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Unraveling Secrets

3 min readJan 17, 2024

"Abeg, abeg, stop telling me this thing," I yell at my roommate Angel, who has made it her sole mission to invite me to her church.
"Ronke, just this once," she pleads with her eyes. "If you don't like it, after your experience..." she sighs, "I won't bring it up again."
"Fine," I shrug, "when is this service sef?" I ask.
She smiles like I just gave her a chocolate bar. "It's on Wednesday, so two days from now. Promise me you won't change your mind." I couldn't help but smile. This childishness was what made us friends; she reminds me so much of my little sister who died five years ago.
Wednesday came by like a flash, and I went with Angel to the awaited service. I couldn't hide my awe at how fun the activities were. This was my first time in five years at a church and I loved it.
After the service, I was leaving with Angel when a beautiful light-skinned guy stopped us and asked Angel who I was.
"Brother Femi, meet Ronke, my roommate. Ronke, this is Brother Femi, he is the Christian association president," Angel introduced.
He flashes a cheeky smile at me and takes my hands in his to shake; my knees almost give way.
Weeks turned into a month and I became quite involved in church. This helped improve the bond between myself and Angel. I also became friends with Femi (sort of). I soon realized his parents' home wasn't far from mine.
The ASUU strike that had been threatening finally commenced. Femi started coming over often. He became friends with my elder brother, which was great cause I had a crush on him. The strike had now extended into five months, making Femi a permanent occupant at my house; he was always sleeping over.
I asked my brother about this and he explained Femi had an unstable home, so ours was an escape. It's not like I minded since I got a glimpse of him from time to time. I soon realized Femi had no interest in me. He was always in my brother's room whenever he came over. We barely spoke unless my brother was involved.
I expressed my concerns with Angel about this over a phone call. "Abi brother Femi is gay, this one he isn't even interested in talking to you, I always thought he was strange," she said.
"Haba Angel! He isn't. I just don't understand anymore. He literally got access to my home, family, and brother through me."
"You should address it with him then," Angel advised, "that way you will know you tried."
After a couple of days, I decided I could no longer take it and will take Angel’s advice. I got dressed in a cute outfit and went to my brother's room. I saw him leave earlier, so I was sure Femi was alone. As I opened my brother's door (I could hear voices, but I couldn't decipher the words), I walked into the room with a smile, but that smile quickly faded as I walked further. I saw Brother Femi and my brother Kunle in a full-blown make-out session. My heart fell.




With words as true as hearts, I'll feed your mind on topics that help you navigate adulthood and life with a little story and poetry.