Artist Tale

2 min readJan 19, 2024

It was a scorching Tuesday afternoon, and I found myself stuck in traffic, weaving past cars to showcase my artworks. Selling my pieces was always a challenge as an unrecognized artist. The usual advances from men, promising to contact me and support my work, felt tiresome and repetitive.
I had stopped giving out my number after a disturbing incident when a man’s wife called me late at night, accusing me of involvement with her husband. It turned out he had obtained my number earlier that day. As a light-skinned, petite half-Nigerian, half-Korean woman, I often stood out, and some assumed I would prefer an easy life as a sugar baby. While tempting at times, art was my true passion.
During the gridlocked traffic, I noticed a car I had passed several times before. Its tinted windows suggested privacy, so I didn’t approach. But then the windows rolled down, revealing a handsome brown-skinned man with a charming smile. He purchased three of my artworks on the spot and requested my number to refer me to his friends. I obliged, hopeful for future opportunities.
“ You make self portraits,” he asked.
“ Yes sir” I replied, even though I had only made it for my friends but potato, tomato – what’s the difference?
The next day, I had just showered from a day of hawking my artwork and as I prepared to warm up leftover jollof rice, I received a call from an unfamiliar number. I knew it was him. He inquired about my availability for the weekend, expressing interest in having his portrait done at home and offering to pay for the service. Excited for the opportunity, I dedicated the following days to practicing portrait drawing, forgoing my usual art selling routine.
When the weekend arrived, I arrived at his house, confirming my suspicions of his wealth upon entry. A maid greeted me.
” Oga will be with you shortly,” she said. I was served a bottle of water on my request as I waited, I admired my artworks displayed in his lavish living room. Suddenly, a tall figure emerged, even more striking than before, dressed in a bathrobe.
"I want my portrait done in the nude," he declared with a smile.




With words as true as hearts, I'll feed your mind on topics that help you navigate adulthood and life with a little story and poetry.